Futureproofing bridges the distance between corporate aspiration and…
… innovation++ success, business model delivery & transformational growth.
No insta-experts, dreamy futurists or head-in-the-clouds consultants here, our network brings world-beating experience, leading edge tools, practitioner thinking and unrivalled passion for change & the future.
Status quo and innovation theatre are no longer options. We help translate marketplace trends and innovation potential into real business. Let’s anticipate AND deliver your future now.
Futureproofing© will help deliver bespoke innovation++ solutions sized for your organization, your teams and your leadership. Find out how we outsmart, outdesign & outdeliver.

Getting to Next in 30 Weeks or Less
- Intense, Iterative Sprint Approach Guranteed to Get Chnage Teams to Next
- Proprietary Front, Middle and Back End Innovation++ Approach, Includes Getting Started, Scaling and Building for Sustainability Modules
- Informed by Over 18 Innovation Management Canvases and 50+ Tools
- Forces Leaders to Diverge & Converge, Eliminate Bias, Silos and Professional Discipline
- Options to Commercialize and Take Habits Company Wide

The Freshest Change Intelligence Efforts
- Six Major Intelligence Ventures Annually
- Equipping New Intelligence for Change Agents & Leaders
- Global Expert & Visionary-Informed
- Cover the Full #Next30 Futureproofing Change Universe
- Sponsor Opportunities, Executive Briefings and Actionable Reports

The Most Relevant Topics, Always Hitting the Mark
- 50+ Keynotes Addressing Today & Tomorrow’s Biggest Questions
- 20+ Workshops Galvanizing Teams to Core Imperatives
- 8+ Immersion Formats Bepoke to Companies – Accelerate Knowledes and Challnge Understanding
- Always receiving 4+ out of 5 on performance
- Board-, Executive-, Business Team-, All Staff-, Partner-, Customer Levels

The World's Leading Business Model Launcher
- Mapped over 200 Potential Business Model Archetypes, Examples and Fit for Value
- Building Best Potential Value Proposition, Capture & Generation Elements
- Active Development – not t just identifying elements, but exploring connections and importable solutions
- Informed by Top Global Innovation & Business Model Change Agents
- Can lead to delivery of model through Futureproofing Sprints, Audits & Ecosystem Building

Superior On-Demand Talent for Top Challenges
- Innovator in Residence, On-Demand Corporate Venture and Innovation Talent all with 20+ Years Experience in a variety of Chnage Environments
- True Senior Level Partnership, Flexible to Company Needs, No need for Headcount Bump Required
- Projects could include: Special Project Discovery, Executive Counsel and Network Expansions & Learning, Audits of Current Practice & Cultures, Talent Search
- Broadest Pallette of Industry Exposure and Public/Private/NFP situations
- Provides Options to Particpate in Foresight Ventures, Training and Content, Audits

The Strongest, Most Holistic AssessmentS
- Future-readiness Audits at Company-wide, Change Team and Individual Levels
- Vary in extensiveness – Lite (22 factors), Basic (80 factors) and Comprehensive (165 factors)
- Benchmarked and Indexed to Industry & Situation
- Includes Recommendation and Implmenation of Best, Dscipline-Agnostic Interventions
- Can Lead to Ongoing Engagements – Sprints, Counsel and Leadership Training
THE BOOK: The Future Beyond Innovation ... Our Playbook for a Faster, Bolder Age
Times change .. and so should your thinking. We have a fresh new change argument to the world – 1/4 manifesto, 1/4 field guide, 1/4 playbook & 1/4 resource bank … all in a 250 page attractive bundle. No other book corrals the following six arguments together into one umbrella form:
- A Future Beyond Innovation – less bias, more impact & forward-minded
- The Change World Has Changed – relevant for the accelerated 2020s
- “See, Learn, Decide, Commit” – a complete, overarching change process
- A Different Mindset, Spectrum & Challenge – growth-driven, all-encompassing focus & corporate-sized mission
- Innovation You Can Take to the Bank – a practitioner’s roadmap, 18 canvases, 50+ tools and 75 canvases.
- “Not Just Another Book” Book – user-friendly, extra value-add resources & interactive forums
We’ve cherry picked the future-ready practices that have proven to work best, removed the fluff, and given leaders a starting point to bring successful new processes, products, experiences, transformations, breakthroughs & business models across the finish line. Arrives October, 2022.
WHAT’S COMING UP NEXT In 2022 and 2023:
Futureproofing is getting your future innovation+ conveyor belt moving quickly and seamlessly by tackling the four things larger companies don’t typically do well:
- See – companies tend to be blinded to marketplace threats, “black swan” moments & just-out-of-grasp opportunities and have difficulty aligning on their top internal assets, leadership and external gaps.
- Learn – companies don’t tend to build a sustainable, scalable and disciplined process to explore ideas and validate possibilities.
- Decide – companies are notoriously bad at: pinpointing opportunities, not focusing on the best, most ambitious ones and not making them bigger by capturing larger footprints & value.
- Commit – without innovation++ champions, a future mindset, organizational incentives and internal promotion & resilience, innovation++ gets stuck when it meets head on with company culture, leadership and the forces of commercialization.
Navigate the future complexities, key growth drivers and important implications to your business.
We help you see the future clearer
Discover paths & tools fit for your aspiration, situation & size. Let’s get past the messy middle.
We help you focus where you want to be
Overcome firefighting, learn how to marry corporate innovation+ to business strategies & growth.
We help you COMMIT & Get winning ideas over the finiSh line

Given the headlines you read everyday, you might think startups are the only ones that can innovate effectively, We don’t happen to agree.
We think it’s high time for blue chip organizations and scaling companies to go on the offensive and find, filter and fast track their best ventures.
Unlike many creative boutiques, it’s not just hope and ideas that will reverse the tide, but decison-based rigor, focus, process, mindset and implementation.
So … we’re sending the “bat signal” to all change agents, a “clarion call” to all intrapreneurs. Let’s think big and act small, and climb aboard to the next station of innovation++.
GLOBAL CHANGE INTELLIGENCE meets corporate innovation smarts meets foresights from the FUTURE edge.
We wondered what would happen if we married the agility and lean approach of startups, with the proven scale and unfair advantages of corporate innovation, and binded it to global future foresight network operating slightly ahead of our time. Our hatchling: Futureproofing.
x Value vs. Big Box Consultancies/ Innovation Boutiques
Supporting Global Marketplace Studies
Clients our approach has been bulletproofed by
Innovation++ Benefits / Deliverables We Provide Clients
Let's Do Innovation Better
Nearly everybody wants a healthy stream of innovation, not many know how to get it. In a recent survey,
“Innovation” was ranked 18th out of 23 core activities that a company performs.
We simply need to do better. Futureproofing co-founder Andrea Kates explains how we plan to do it.
Get the Future in Your Inbox

We’re giving change agents, innovators, curiosity seekers and business decision makers the foresights, tools and news to help their organizations grow and adapt to change.
Join thousands of global leaders and receive our latest “Vault” of foresight, intelligence, headlines and solutions.
The Futureproofing foundry is always shaping things, building stuff, asking difficult questions, revealing uncomfortable truths and getting the world’s most innovative minds and change performers to collide .
Our Team of Change Agents
Founder Sean Moffitt and associates have brought together decades of corporate strategy, innovation, technology practitioner & thoughtleader experience into a venture that also brings together the best in corporate, scale-up, social and public sector innovation.


The FUTUREPROOFING 66 CHAMPIONS - OUR Global futureproofing network
Built by Practitioners, For Practitioners
Our 30 Innovation Areas, 13,000 Teams Better Off
““The Futureproofing process equips teams to understand important components that drive corporate innovation including discovering unspoken customer truths, insights about an imagined future, and how to bring together trends and technologies and apply them to solving business problems. The result is like a crystal ball for future customer desires and behaviors with immediate action steps for product and service strategy. The team is knowledgeable and savvy. They do such a great job of sharing their deep experience in way that empowers their clients to immediately repeat the process themselves and get results.”“
““Futureproofing : Next was instrumental in helping our leadership team develop a vision for Finance at Stitch Fix. Finance as a discipline is undergoing dramatic changes, and they helped us develop a roadmap that embraces and pioneers this future. Through deft facilitation, they were empathetic listeners yet also persisted in getting us to the truth. In the end the answer was always there; they helped us find it and make it our own.”
Trusted by 300+ Organizations Worldwide
The smartest, brightest and most ambitious groups work with us, and like it. Think of us as your innovation++ consiglieres and future sentries.
You’ll never utter again “that would never work for my team”, “our industry is too slow-moving”, “our leadership is too obstinate” or “our organziation resists change too much”.

Whether you are just getting started, changing things up or taking it to the next level, we have something to get you there, and keep you going.
Futureproofing & Innovation++- Expert Keynotes – 50 Topics Wide
- Practitioner Freindly Books & Activity Cards
- Future-Relevant Webinar(s), Webcast(s) and Podcast(s)
- Thought Provoking, Innovation++ Days & Offsites
- Corporate-ready, Team Immersions & Challenges
- Foresight Reports That Matter & Best Practice Guidebooks
- Change & Growth Team Facilitation & Ideation
- Unique Sponsorable & Partnerable Properties
Futureproofing & Innovation++- Rapid Foresight & Discovery Workshops
- Buzzworthy & Multimedia Inbound/Content Development
- Custom Intelligence, Industry Foresights & Futures Series
- Global Expert/Ecosystem Roundtables
- Comprehensive Leadership Development & Executive Briefings
- Empathetic Team Development/Cultural Alignment
- Innovation++ Program Design & Evaluation
- Corporate Partner, Ecosystem Building
Shoulder & Chest-Deep
Futureproofing & Innovation++- Futureproofing Innovation++ & Business Model Sprints
- “I”, Front, Mid, Back & Scale Innovation++ Deep Dives
- Futureguiding, Innovators-in-Residence, Executive Counsel
- Fractional CXO Leadership
- Innovation++ Capacity/Future Readiness Audits
- Curated Co-Labs/Open Innovation
- Outside-In, Training Curriculum(s)
- All-encomopassing, Business Transformation & Special Project Leadership
Get to Know Us. Say Hello. 你好. Hola. مرحبا. Guten Tag. Bonjour.
We’re hungry to do work with passionate, driven people. The future is unwritten, let’s bring some chapters of it to life.
San Francisco – Toronto – Global
+416 458-2818