Season 1, Episode 10b
The 2020 Futureproofing Awards:
Experiences, Engagement, Technology & Platforms Innovation+

A webcast presented by the global innovation practice Futureproofing : Next (
Put on your virtual tuxedos and ball gown dresses – we are hosting our own Oscars for innovation. Which companies our owning the futures red carpet this year?
Working through our esteemed panel of F:N 66 Guild and global experts, we’ve pulled together our short list of candidates that should be recognized and noted for their clairvoyant, groundbreaking innovation & growth efforts as we’re about to ring in the next decade.
In our tenth episode of Futureproofing Now, we project what companies should likely be owning the future. Unlike many magazines’ efforts, it’s not because our editor had drinks with the company CEO, or that we saw they raised a lot of money on Crunchbase or that we live in NYC/Silicon Valley/London (insert big city here) so i guess we should reward the big local hero. No, we’ve scoured the earth the find the big (or getting bigger), bold and beautiful that are challenging convention and winning the future..
Hosted by Futureproofing : Next team: Sean Moffitt + Andrea Kates
Expert collaborators and experience, engagement, technology & platforms specialists:
- John Koetsier, Journalist, Analyst, Futurist, Dreamer, CEO, Sparkplug9
- Lars Ib, CEO, Business Institute Denmark
- Jeanne Bliss, CEO, Customer Experience Bliss
What you’ll learn:
- Futureproofing Now will be inviting our judges and nominees to the backstage webcast party in a set of three webinars, each rewarding:
- Preview the nominees for F:N’s 2020 Futureproofing Awards
- Hear from our judges on what drove their choices
- Discover how large companies are embracing the future
- Find out how challenger companies and scaling business are beating incumbents
- Learn about the Top Ten Experience, Engagement, Technology & Platform
- Futureproofing Nominees Get involved with Futureproofing ; Next’s 2020
Futureproofing Awards Portal:
December 19th, 2019
Futureproofing Now Webcast Video
Futureproofing Now Podcast Audio
Hosts & Guests
Sean Moffitt
Andrea Kates
John Koetsier
Lars Ib
Jeanne Bliss
Our website Futureproofing : Next
Nomination Page The 2020 Futureproofing Awards
State Farm: Website
Nascar: Website
Tik Tok: Website
Allbird’s Shoes: Website
Virgin Hotels: Website
Stitchfix: Website
Cleveland Clinic Website
Orsted: Website
Grundfos : Website
Airbnb: Website
Salesforce: Website
Alibaba: Website
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Futureproofing Now Hosts:

Sean Moffitt

Andrea Kates
About This Episode
0:00 Introduction of Topic, Venture, Platofrm and Panel
6:30 2020 Futureproofing Technology Nominees with John Koetsier – current state, nominees & commentary
22:30 2020 Futureproofing Experience Nominees with Jeanne Bliss – current state, nominees & commentary
36:45 2020 Futureproofing Enagagement Nominess with Lars Ib – current state, nominees & commentary
43:30 2020 Futureproofing Enagagement Nominess with Andrea Kates – current state, nominees & commentary
52:00 2020 Futureproofing Round Robin – synthesis and conclusions
59:50 Closeout – Futureproofing Awards Platform launch , future webinars, next research, upcoiming book and where to form here
Our F:N Expert Panelists:

John Koetsier
Founder, Sparkplu9, Forbes Contributor/VP Insights Singular
John Koetsier is a journalist, analyst, and tech executive. He writes for Forbes and consults with Silicon Valley companies. John built the VB Insight research division at VentureBeat, managed teams creating software for partners like Intel and Disney, and secured VC funding for his AR cloud startup, Genesis Reality. His current dual focus is fourth industrial revolution technologies, plus martech/adtech. In 2014, John was named to Folio’s top 100 of the media industry’s “most innovative entrepreneurs and market shaker-uppers.”
He lives near Vancouver, Canada with his family, where he coaches baseball and hockey, though not at the same time. He travels frequently to Seattle, Silicon Valley, New York, and other tech hubs around the world.

Lars Ib
CEO, Business Institue Denmark
Lars, as CEO and Dean at Business Institute A/S, his work covers multiple areas of responsibility ranging from regular routines such as lecturing in business strategy and management to conceptualization and development of our educations. His ultimate goal is to help managers, leaders and organizations release their talent and to be in sync with the contemporary time.

Jeanne Bliss
Founder, Jeanne Bliss
Jeanne Bliss helps companies to define, build and live actions that earn their legacy, growth and admiration. For 25 years, she was the first Chief Customer Officer at Lands’ End, Coldwell Banker, Allstate and Microsoft Corporations. Then since 2002, has guided over 20,000 leaders around the world to understand that improving lives should be their most important strategic vision.
Having delivered speeches and workshops for nearly every business vertical in B2B and C2B companies, Jeanne helps leaders and organizations build the roadmap toward this deep and genuine customer experience that creates lasting memory and earns passionate advocates both inside and outside of your business.
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