– The Book
The Future Beyond Innovation
Go beyond the handcuffs of “innovation” and discover a future-ready approach & mindset for change. Transform into a top-functioning, 365-day per year company growth engine designed for real impact. Yes, it’s possible!
Get the essential playbook, field guide, manifesto and source of inspiration & resources for getting to your ambitious FUTURE boldly, simply, faster and better than you could imagine.
In one of the biggest contributions to innovation and change over the last two decades, Futureproofing gets at the heart of why innovation is currently failing and breaks ground with a fresh argument, providing hope, authentic evidence, helpful tools and inspiring role models and a new all-inclusive SESVISE approach to the challenges ahead.
Designed for leadership, teams, change agents and pragmatic optimists working inside companies sized 50 to 500,000 people for this decade and beyond.
Author: Sean Moffitt (and a cast of thousands of thinkers, builders and change agents).

The “Not a book” Book

So what’s our canvas? We’ll be honest, we don’t like many business books. They are anachronisms in a digital age: too one-way, too prosy, too preachy, too sequential and outdated fast.
With Futureproofing, we set out to create a different type of book ; a practical guide, not limited to the pages it is written on, and designed for change agents, executives, leaders, futurists and experts in real life.
Our “not a book” book is intended to help trailblazers plan, guide and align their innovation & transformation efforts :for a barely recognizable marketplace, culture & society of tomorrow:
- design-friendly – a colourful array of 18 canvases, 36+tools, 50+ canvases, templates, callouts, & exercises
- fresh – original content and information intended to be republished every couple of years to stay current
- form factor – a hand-holdable book that deserves to be on bookshelves but small enough to bring to meetings/travel with
- gestalt & simplicity – showing a bit of the chaotic universe, and a lot of the let’s focus on what’s important
- expanded & collaborative web experience – providing a wealth of extended options and forums to go deeper on any of our book content online
- gravitas – substantive cues as a corporate-ready book, not a comic book or puff piece
You can tell a lot about a person by what’s on their bookshelf (or eReader in modern parlance), we want to be on yours!
The world does not need another innovation book. There are over 80,000 of them currently available according to Amazon; many of them written by people we know & respect. If we wanted to be entertained or dive deep into one facet of the innovation game, we already have a full bookshelf of intrigue.
Our mission is quite different. We believe the innovation industry is asking the wrong questions about how companies succeed in a fast-moving, marketplace. We don’t need more ideas. We don’t need more wishful thinking. And we certainly don’t need any more elegant explanations about how chaotic our world has become. We get it. To be truly helpful and hopeful, we need to deliver a practical recipe book on how the best companies deliver change, transformation & growth, not because we want it to be, but because we’ve seen the early signals for what really works.
So what’s our paint? We aim to be the go-to resource that curates the best foresights before us and provides a simpllified, rigorous spin on how to enable companies for better, simpler, bolder & friendlier futures (for those who embrace it). Similar to the subject we are covering, it’s not about more ideas and invention anymore, but smarter configurations, bolder collaborations and a fuller understanding of the world around and ahead of us. With Futureproofing, we have managed to fuse a number of practitioner worlds that don’t talk each other very well and fuse them into a core approach.
Too many books on change & innovation are tribalized – biased by their tech-driven, talent-oriented, innovation school, customer-led, trend research or strategy-adhering pedigrees. We have managed to bridge these isolated islands of effective practice into a Pangaea approach with supporting activities that bring it all together. Futureproofing exists as part manifesto for change, part transformation field guide, part growth toolbox and part future in-market wisdom that actually gets companies to next.
Don’t dream, make it real. if you are tasked with change, transformation or growth inside companies, this book is for you. You are not a garage entrepreneur or side hustler. You have a much higher order challenge. Corporate innovation is the major leagues of change. We’re here to help. It may be a quaint notion but we’d rather help companies succeed than sell more book copies.

“Innovation is a dirty word. There we said it. It comes in the front door with the faint whiff of arrogance and “I know better.” It doesn’t. The world requires a new beacon of hope and path ahead. We call it futureproofing.“

The world beyond innovation has no finish line. In the same spirit of collaboration and collective input that created this book, we want to continue Futureproofing, not as static creation, but as a continuing movement. Please add to the discussion and creation by contributing to:
- Futureproofing Website – add to the insight & foresight directed by the accompanying website links in our book
- Our Futureproofing 66 Champions – become part of our global network of leaders, change agents, experts & champions
- Futureproofing Foresight Collective Research – each year Futureproofing conducts 1-2 future-driven projects attempting to discover the shifting future, join our change safari.
- Futureproofing Client Engagements – we not only talk a good game, our group actually plans and does the work too, – connect with us on more than 15+ futureproofing solutions
- The Futureproofing Awards – nominate, judge, sponsor and/or get involved with our celebration of the best that do futureproofing well
- The Vault – become part of a passionate community of future proofers anticipate the future first and stay up with all news & events in our newsletter
Don’t be the lone wolf, join our tribe of future-curious & change-committed.

What’s Inside
RIP Status Quo, The Short History of Modern Innovation, Change in the Wake of a Pandemic, Future Hope & Practical Help.
Reframing Innovation, The Limitation of Singular Models. Getting out of Tiny Boxes, Next 30 – A Better Curated Universe.
Chapter #3 : FUTURE-Readiness
A Candid Look & The 17 Conditions for Future Success and The new Barometer for Change; the FP Future-Readiness Audit.
Chapter #4 : SESVISE - THE START
Sometimes the First Steps are the Toughest Ones, Mastering Initiation.
Chapter #5 : SESVISE - EXPLORE
The Six ‘Scopes of innovation+ – The Customer Kaleidoscope, The Industry Periscope & The Future Telescope.
Chapter #6 : SESVISE - SPRINT
Find Your Innovation Game Quickly … Concepting, Experimenting, Prototyping & Validating.
Chapter #7 : SESVISE - VENTURE
Go Beyond Ideas, Products & Services to Experiences, Business Models & Ecosystems.
Chapter #8 : SESVISE - iNTRODUCE
This Little Innovation Went To Market … and Turned Into a Movement and a Must-Have.
Chapter #9 - SESVISE - SCALE
Post-Introduction Incubation & Growth; Making a Big Dent in the Marketplace
Chapter #10 - SESVISE - ENTRENCH
Make Better, Bolder & Simple Futures Habitual and Renewable
Chapter #11 - The FUTUREPROOFING Vault - Resources ...
In case of disruption, change, growth, transformation or future emergency, break Futureproofing : Next Glass
Chapter #12 : Monday Morning in the Future ...
Making Futureproofing Work for Your Marketplace, Workplace, Culture and Company Personality … Together
Futureproofing Extended
Glossary, Lines of Enquiry, Instructions, Worksheets, Research, Exercises, Interviews, Collaboration and Supporting Content.
Chapter 1 Excerpt
Part of the reason business strategy falls short of today’s needs, is that traditional business training was devised to create systems for companies where the idea was already in place. In that world, leaders needed to follow repeatable processes, establish systems, drive growth through replication, and compete against companies that were in their line of sight. Winning through operational excellence and meticulously planned, waterfall management worked well in manufacturing and leaders were charged with driving efficiency.
The 1990s brought structured innovation to the strategic conversation. Corporations adopted open innovation and design thinking to increase the pace and scope of ideas, and augmented R&D with scouting for technologies beyond their own labs and research teams. The software industry’s agile development disciplines influenced production cycles, and leaders turned to a combination of execution, innovation, and agile processes to integrate the style of tech startups into their product development cycles.
In the first two decades of this millenia, technology garage firms, SaaS unicorns and design shops have heavily influenced the innovation agenda. Blitzscaling and winner-take-all disruption is en vogue. Lean startup and minimum viable products and their focus on quick pivots – experimentation, iteration and validated learning is now de rigeuer Designers and maker culture have come out from behind the curtain and become the celebrities.
By the Numbers
- 18+ Leadership-aligning Canvases
- 36+ChangeTools Unlocking Breakthroughs
- 50+ Landscapes with New Perspective Frames
- 50+ Supplementary Resources Online
- 25 Market Studies unique insights & foresights
- 50+ Practitioner Interviews
- 2,000+ Experts Surveyed
- 13,000 Teams Using Approach in Practice
- 24 Resultant Benefits
- 4 Streamlined Steps
We’ve pulled a wealth of assets and knowledge together to help you build the future. Take advantage of our experience, perspiration and inspiration (& previous mistakes) to get to change & growth faster, bolder, bigger and simpler.

Managing Director, Futureproofing – The Future Beyond Innovation and all related communities and platforms.
Founder, Grey Swan Guild – Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges and Next Grey Swans
MD, Cygnus Sprints – On-demand Consulting, Advisory and Change Solutions for a Complex, Sped-Up World
Spoken in 40+ countries and over 300+ institutions as a leading expert on innovation, business models, emerging technology, the customers, culture and leadership
Former Fortune 500 Strategic Planner, Innovation Lead & CMO / Tier One Executive, based out of Toronto
Global Technology & Digital Transformation Thoughtleader
Publisher of 25+ Foresight Studies, Research Explorations & Trend Monitors
Sits on several boards, guest lectures at a number of universities and advises startups.
Author of Wikibrands ; Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Controlled Marketplace (McGraw-Hill)
“As much as startups get all the love, make no mistake – leading corporate transformation & amplifying innovation is the peak of change abilities. It’s tough work, but it doesn’t have to be the morass the innovation industry has made it. No insta-experts here, we have taken our 10,000 hours+ of experience, a global practitioner network and unbridled passion, to help F:N readers bring the future forward and deliver real business impact.”
Sean Moffitt

Other books/works

The Emerging 30 Tech - Rankings, Implications & Applications of the Next Decade's Technologies
(Upcoming September’23 Launch)

The 52 Business Models of The Future - A Full Deck of Innovation Pivots, Growth Routes and Next Generation Pursuits
(Upcoming March’23 Launch)

1+ 1 truly does = 3
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