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25+ keynotes to stay abreast of "the future", discover practical innovation tips & accelerate your learning, action and growth curves.

Popular Futureproofing : Next (F:N) Keynotes

Our leading keynotes provide fresh knowledge with a gentle nudge – relevant new information with credible insight & ample foresight to act on the intelligence. Scan our collection below.

futureproofing : NEXT SEE, LEARN, DECIDE, COMMIT

F:N demonstrates how to build & design your corporate growth boldly, quickly & simply. through our landmark “See, Learn, Decide, Commit” process, F:N takes people through the way to win via innovation-led growth and ventures. For companies & teams tired of idea storms without a scalable process, this keynote helps get them to the steps of next.  Option as workshop and sprint.

The Corporate Innovation Playbook

F:N updates change agents on current growth & innovation best practices and future business models, predictions & disruptions. Culled from our once-every-two-years global study The Corporate Innovation Playbook™ , F:N surveys and interviews “innovators in the wild” who are actually doing the work. Also known as “The 50 Questions You Always Wanted Answered About Innovation”.

52 Business models of the FUTURe

A full deck of corporate innovation pivots, growth routes and next generation pursuits from the current & future marketplace. The biggest innovation wins and rewards don’t come from new products or services but from those who reinvent their business. F:N will provide a scouting report on the most promising business model options and fit for your business & industry. With accompanying  “52 Business Models” reference cards.


F:N  explores a tidal wave of cross-industry influences across the socio-economic, geo-political, generational, cultural and mega tech divides. These are the ranked & updated set of the biggest trends that will change everything over the next decade. Serious shifts, not fanciful opinion, and fully supported with evidence.

Perpetual Refresh - The Art of Lean Leadership

Learn. Relearn, Unlearn. Embrace. Resist. Persevere. Command-and-Control is now gone. Leadership in the lean Innovation age is a lot more malleable, balanced, influencing and renewing than ever before. When innovation and transformation gets done well, leadership  is usually driving the parade. Find out how.

Getting To Next - Practical Lessons in Corporate Innovation Success

Forget the theoretical and wishful thinking,  F:N  mines the opinions and wisdom of 300+ clients, countless thought leaders and thousands of teams that are actually doing innovation  in real life. What can we translate from their top-of-mind thoughts & experiences to your world? 

25+ Topics, 4.5 out of 5 Performance Ratings and 40+ Countries Can't be Wrong

Our Futureproofing : Next speakers and topics have travelled around the world widening perspectives. Conferences, corporations, associations and business schools ask us back because we deliver customized and original insight without the fluff, genericness or self-promotion of other alternatives. We’ll make you look smart.

The Digital Periscope - Scanning The Changing Ocean of Tech ImpactS

F:N provides insights and foresights from one of our most ambitious marketplace studies The Digital and Technology Persicope™ on how technology and digital media changes the pace, direction and invention of future innovation.  

A.I. & The New Dimensions of Innovation

A.I. feels like a throwaway word, important but not very well understood.  We throw open the veil of artificial intelligence and machine learning and its biggest implications and potential uses on how business decision makers lead future growth.

The Customer Zeitgeist - What Customers Want

Companies over the last couple decades have become much more customer-centric … and it will continue. F:N reveals what leading experts know about what customers value, need and want next. Proprietary insights from our marketplace research The Customer Zeitgeist™.

Here Comes the Crowd Economy - open, COLLABORATIVE INNOVATIOn

With more than a decade of experience in collaborative innovation, we profile how to lead, build and manage: Open innovation, Collaboration, On-Demand Platforms, Decentralization, Peer to Peer, Social Engagement, Influencers, Crowdsourcing, Crowdfunding, Distributed Intelligence, Tasks, Challenges. & Ecosystems.

What Colour is My Innovation? Innovation Approaches Profiled

Agile. Blue Ocean, Continuous Improvement, Design Thinking, Experimentation, First-mover advantages. Growth hacking. Herzberg. Idea management. Jobs to Be Done.. Kanban, Lean. And that’s just the first half of the alphabet of innovation approaches. Innovation is so bespoke, so F:N  profiles what to use, blend & when given your particular situation(s).

Imagine & Inform Next - Exploring, TESTING & Validating New Possibilities

Advance projects to a go or no-go decision faster than ever before. F:N helps fine tune your compony’s foresight intelligence, sharpen your technology savvy, excavate untapped customer needs and nail it before you scale it. Futureproofing ; Next will detail how to get the front end of your innovation funnel working right.

Futureproofing : Next CoverS off The Five Subjects Business Audiences Want THE MOST

Our Futureproofing : Next keynotes sync up with the top subject areas that today’s business teams desire. From the research report Business Stage Act, Innovation & the Future (61%), Technology & Digital (52%), Leadership & Strategy (48%), Change & Transformation (39%) and Customers & Brands (29%) are what your audiences and stakeholders currently want to hear about the most. Tap Futureproofing : Next to over-deliver it.

Catch Up, Don't GIVE Up - overcoming innovation's top 15 barriers

How to get started, keep pace and get ahead in a VUCA, hyper-growth world. F:N will show you how by identifying the top 15 barriers that innovators chronically face (taken from its global study & audit tool) and indicating key ways to help overcome them. Keynote option: F:N Audit your audience in advance.

THE FUTURE OF WORK - how talent, culture & the workplace change INNOVATION

No matter how smart your strategies, process and tools are, the future of innovation growth is strongly influenced by the future of people and how and where they go about their work. F:N pinpoints how an innovative workplace delivers winning innovation.   

Futureproofed - Bringing Your Industry's Future Forward

Across twenty leading industries, F:N will futureproof what’s likely going to happen in your specific vertical’s future, F:N will also detail threats from outside your current competition, implications for your company, team and career, and what to do now, near and next.  

Crossing the Innovation Chasm - Bridging the Commercialization Void

In even well-run companies, inventing & developing innovation and launching & incubating it in the market are two very different and oftentimes conflicting functions., We’ll explore the best practices on how companies make innovation a front-to-back competency.

Futurepoofing Hockey Sticks - Faster Culture, Fastr Markets, FTR TECH

Through 50+ examples, F:N will show you how fast the markets, technology and culture are really changing. The world is a blur … and it’s only getting faster. You’ll never underestimate the pace of change again. A provocative, tour-du-force designed to wake up any audience or team out of its business-as-usual slumber. 

The Emerging 30 - What Tech Will Transform Your Next Decade The Most

The most important 30 technologies are  profiled and ranked with with a predicted timeline to mainstream impact, F:N  provides implications and leading applications for each industry, as tomorrow’s technology becomes today’s must rely upon innovation standard. #Emerging30 is one of our biggest shared hits on social media

Do you want to Play or Win? If you are focused on winning, engage Futureproofing : Next (F:N)

We speak to many speaker bureaus about the chaos of dealing with the tier one speaker circuit. They don’t customize their keynotes. Futureproofing : Next does. They lack seriousness. F:N is executive-level ready & credible. They lack energy & empathy. F:N is audience-driven & passionate. They miss the mark. F:N provides practicality & value. Their content is stale and cliché. F:N is always fresh & up-to-date. 

Leading Corporate Innovation - Who Gets to Lead the Next Big ThinG, Why & How

F:N delivers insights on how innovation gets directed and led inside companies. F:N answers all the innovation governance debates:  Who leads and when? Who helps best? How do they organize? How do they operate? How are they valued and measured? What is their mandate? How do they integrate into the overall company? And many others. In order to be the best, you have to lead the best.

Growth & Scale Headwinds - Navigating through The Biggest External Challenges

F:N lists and ranks the key external influences & impacts that will drive innovators nuts. The world of innovation is like chess but with a constant changing of the rules happening from the outside. Flux in citizen, cultural, customer, demographic, environmental, generational, investment, political, regulatory, risk, talent, tech and trade are all in play, 

The Trend Bank - Translating Trends into Winnable Companies, Products & SERVICES

F:N forecasts & predicts early marketplace signals into dollars & cents. Futureproofing ; Next will dip into its always-updated bank of 150 meta and microtrends and help you consider ways to capitalize on them before its too late. F:N will show leading in-makret examples of who is already putting these in practice. The business world is in perpetual whitewater, you better start paddling.

The Innovation Pecking Order - Corporate vs. Startup & Scaleup Innovation

Some of this innovation is not like the others. F:N will compare innovation realities in different sizes of company (corporate, scaling, startup and ecosystem) by: Mindsets, Challenges, Risks, Speed, Decision Making, Skills, Best Practice & Performance. We’ll even dare to explore the notion that you really don’t want your corporate acting exactly like a startup.

Getting Out of the Incumbent Box - Disrupting the Established 4Is

F:N shows how to avoid complacency as the Incumbent or disrupt the status quo as the Challenger. In a disruptive world, whatever you do, stay out of the penalty box of being an infrastructural, intermediarial, inventorial or institutional company. In business it’s tough to become the industry champion but it’s even tougher to stay there.


Six Continents of Innovation - Global Insight on How the World Practices Innovation

F:N explores how innovations gets practiced differently in : Africa, Asia, Europe North America, Oceania and South America. F:N will chart how the world truly innovates and gets you out of the Silicon Valley box. With digital connection, the world might be smaller but global innovation can be even more complicated & complex.

The Outer Orbit of Innovation - Solving Wicked Challenges & New-to-the-World Solutions

Let’s get off our planet for an hour and explore the outer orbit. The permission to dream big things and tackle some of the world biggest challenges and deepest needs is a rare thing. F:N provides the trail on how to do it by applying strategic foresight techniques and resources not used for your short or mid-term innovation.

Left & Right Brain Innovation - Pitting Data-based vs. InTUITIOn

Let’s have the debate, in a tribal world of innovation, which one wins out – advanced data-based wisdom and analysis or boundless creativity and intuition?  There is no one right answer but F:N provides the key debate points, the benchmarks and what camp your company or audiences likely fits into. Fighters to your corners – let the edutainment begin!

The Digital Transformation Report - How to become a Digital-First Company

Learn how to turn your company into a digital leader of the pack, step-by-step.. F:N will unfurl how companies accelerate their digital maturity at a strategic, cultural, technological and customer level. Face facts, digital transformation = business transformation in a connected world. Insights gleaned from our Digital Transformation Report™.

Turn a Futureproofing : Next Innovation Keynote into an Innovation Immersion Day

45 minutes is great, but a half-to-full day of innovation immersion is spectacular. Through its coverage bandwidth and global network, Futureproofing : Next can build a 360° innovation, transformation and reinvention day you won’t soon forget. We call it Immersion, and brings together 3-5 related topics & speakers, designed to bring the world’s best thinking, provocation and foresight to your doorstep.

All OF FUtureproofing : NEXT’s Keynote Categories

  • Agile/Lean/Design Thinking
  • Breakthrough Innovation
  • Barriers to Innovation
  • Brand Innovation
  • Business Models
  • Change Management
  • Channel Innovation
  • Commercilization
  • Corporate Innovation
  • Culture
  • Customer Shifts
  • Customer Experience
  • Ecosystems
  • Emerging Technology
  • Foresight
  • Futureproofing
  • Industry Disruption
  • Innovation Best Practices
  • Leadership
  • Market Innovation
  • Measurement
  • Megatrends
  • Open Innovation
  • Platform Innovation
  • Portfolio Innovation
  • Product Innovation
  • Process Innovation
  • Scaling Innovation
  • Service Innovation
  • Supply Chain
  • Talent Experience
  • Transformation 

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