We’re excited to announce our future foresight research ventures to prospective members partners and sponsors. These are the big Futureproofing ; Next research projects we are planning for 2020:
The Future of Work 2020++ Starting December 2019/Report for May 2020
A.I. and The Future Dimension of Innovation – Starting April 2020/Report for September 2020
Digiball – How Technology Changes The Way We Watch, Fan, Lead and Play the Sports We Love – Starting August 2020, Concluding December, 2020
Fourth venture – TBD
What is a F:N FORESIGHT venture?
Every year, we sit down and look at building a specialized futureproofing hub of inspiration. On each one of these research ventures, we typically have five elements in place:
I. An Audience Need – a big enough topic that remains unexplored and valuable for our audiences.
II. A Forum for Collaboration – an opportunity to build on current understanding through a global network of passionate and curious experts & opinion leaders.
III. Motivated Partners – sponsors, clients & participating members who have a vested interest in the result.
IV. A Final Report – consolidating insight & foresight into some type of printed/digital report and multimedia assets that all members share.
V. Serendipitous Connections and Side Ventures – when smart interesting people get together around a topic, new shoots of interesting activity are bound to happen.
For those that want to be foresight venture members, here’s what we give and here’s what we get :
What we give:
- A platform for global collaboration – learning from others, influencing others, working with others, launch pad with others
- An opportunity for shared content and assets – an ability to affect your own practice or career with rich proprietary & multimedia content and data
- Improving your company/personal brand – custom-made opportunities for exposure, reputation-building, inbound marketing, partnership and revenues
What we get:
- A network of smart people focused on a challenge – colloaboration between opinion leaders, early adopters and experts always produces better results
- A final report/book and ancillary assets – within 6 months, producing a complete and future-driven output that adds new substance to the space
- A network of talent for engagements – ability call on people for F:N engagements, webcasts , awards and side ventures
If this is you, we want you:
EXPERTISE : know something about the topic, curious to know more
RESOURCES : currently able to focus a portion of their time and attention on this venture without conflicts (online meeting once every 4 weeks, work in-between)
FUTURE-DRIVEN : can imagine a different world, eyes wide open, peering ahead with feet on the ground
INTANGIBLES : offering a platform, postion, network, unique skills, reputation, geographic coverage or funding to the group
VALUES: Subscribe to our values visualized above
Interested in Joining Us?
- We are inviting 15-30 people on each venture, just tell us five things:
- Your name, psotion, professional backgound highlights and location?
- What is your the topic you want to collaborate on?
- Are you able and motivated to contribute?
- Why are you passionate about the topic and do you subscribe to our values?
- What special skill, reosurce or angle do you bring to the venture?
The Reason We’re Excited About This…
The freshest insights and best mastery of a topic always happens as a group …
… yes, it may take longer than doing it ourselves but without fail, collective foresight efforts always, always produce better results .
The topics are exciting, our minds are curious and we truly believe we can improve the world’s (and potential clients’) understanding of each topic:
– only 9% of CHROs believe their companies have fully understood the impact of Future of Work (Gartner)
– only 5% of companies have extensively incorporated AI in their offerings or processes (MIT Sloan)
– only 13% of professional sports properties have an integrated digital vision (SEAT)
We are looking forward of getting our visions focused on these frontiers of learnings appropriately enough in the year 2020.
Sean Moffitt & Andrea Kates, F:N Co-founders
Sponsor the Foresight
Breakthrough industry thought leadership
Inbound content & marketing
Leadership & staff training
Innovation & strategic foresight
Access to a network of global experts
Sean Moffitt
Co-Founder, Futureproofing : Next / MD - Wikibrands
Sean is a driving force behind F:N balancing out broad expertise in: business transformation & emerging tech, vision & strategy, brand & customer, talent & culture, and trends & applied innovation, to help companies deliver “innovation you can take to the bank”
As a former Fortune 500 executive, CMO, incubator executive counsel and four-time startup founder, Sean bridges large, scaling and startup culture & practices. He is a global thought leader in company innovation, author of Wikibrands and 16 marketplace studies. and has helped spearhead growth and transformation of over 200+ clients around the world.
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