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Trend Generator Map

Trend Generator Map

F:N Tool #24 – TREND GENERATOR MAP Visualizing the importance and intersections of opportunity between major trends in a specific category or industry F:N Stage – See/ Integrated...
Force Landscapes

Force Landscapes

F:N Tool #19 – FORCE LANDSCAPES A trend visualizing tool simplifying the key shifting hubs, sub-category segment and interrelatedness of factors of a particular industry or topic F:N Stage – See/ Integrated...
Trend Periodic Tables

Trend Periodic Tables

F:N Tool #16 – TRend PERIODIC TABLES Inventorying the key 50-120 trend-related factors of a given topic, technology, media, customer group or innovation approach F:N Stage – See/ Integrated...
Innovation Portfolio Matrix

Innovation Portfolio Matrix

F:N Tool #8 – Innovation Portfolio Matrix Determining the type and size of innovation pipeline opportunities  F:N Stage – See/ Inside...
Strategic Dimensions

Strategic Dimensions

F:N Tool #3 – Strategic Dimensions Charting execution, vision, ata & logistics across the innovation and executional operations of a company  F:N Stage – See/ Inside...
Future-Ready Audit

Future-Ready Audit

F:N Tool #1 – Future-Ready Audit Mapping the 15 key factors of innovation and growth-led maturrity F:N Stage – See/ Inside...